Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Creating brand awareness

24 Brand Mantras by Jagdeep Kapoor
Response Books. Pages: ix+103. Price: Rs. 195/-

Thanks to the free market economy there is a plethora of consumer goods in the market, with a number of brands selling the same/similar product. While this situation delights the consumer – as it gives him a wider choice in terms of quality and price range – the producer/seller is not exactly dancing with delight. He faces a massive problem of brand visibility and acceptance in the market-place. After all, in business, it does not pay to be a part of the crowd. But there is no need to despair.
As we have self-improvement gurus so there are biz-masters too – who come up with well thought out solutions for various problems related to commercial products and producers, both at micro as well as macro levels. Kapoor has conceived twenty four brand mantras that purport to help a product acquire distinct image in the market. The advice ranges from how to build and sustain a brand name to how to carve out a market share by building relationships with retailers and consumers. The brand name connects producers with potential buyers while the quality of product and service ensures enduring profitable ties.
Are you a wannabe tycoon? Read this book.


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