Sunday, September 4, 2011

Elders & education

Perceptions and problem of elderly in old age homes by Gurjeet Virk Sidhu
Arun Publishing House. Pages: 184. Price: Rs. 316/-

The aged in India have seldom been on the radar of our researchers and policy makers. Little has been done to understand their problems let alone arrive at solutions. For long the argument has been that in our society the aged are well looked after by their respective family members and hence are not a part of the social problem. This myth stands debunked now. The old familial and social structures have more or less disintegrated. With frenetic transformation in the country’s socioeconomic and demographic profiles the traditional joint family has been replaced with the nuclear one – and single parent family becoming more conspicuous. This leaves the old people extremely vulnerable to economic hardships and other deprivations. Sidhu says that by 2030 the elderly population in the world would be about 1.4 billion of which a significant number would be in India – in 2001 it was 29 million and growing. Obviously, there is a need for the government to formulate a structured approach towards institutionalizing care for this section of the population that has already contributed its share to the nation’s progress and now needs to be provided with dignified existence in its twilight years.

Apart from providing us with illuminating statistics regarding the plight of the aged Sidhu has given thought provoking case studies. This book is a must for our policy makers and think tanks.

Brick by red brick by TT Ram Mohan
Rupa & Co. Pages: xiv+281. Price: Rs. 495/-

After India gained independence building of educational institutions became a top priority because the educational system bequeathed to India by the British was good enough only to churn out clerks. India needed a system that would groom leaders in different walks of life. Therefore, setting up of centers of excellence acquired urgency. But persons of caliber and vision were needed to head them. Luckily, India had its share of such personalities.

This book narrates the story of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad – arguably the most prestigious institution of its kind in the country and among the best in the world. It focuses on the pioneering work done by Ravi Matthai, to whom goes the credit for making IIMA what it is today. He was entrusted with the job by Vikram Sarabhai, Kamla Chowdhry, Kasturbhai Lalbhai and Prakash Tandon. The Ford Foundation, the Harvard Business School and the MIT, too, were actively involved in varying capacities. While underscoring Ravi Matthai’s commitment to turning IIMA into a world class institute the narrative provides an account of various events and personalities associated with giving it its present stature – an autonomous centre of excellence. This tome must be on your bookshelf. 

Published in The Tribune dated September 04, 2011

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