Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Final Parting

I stare at the blank screen
the cursor waits
for thoughts to move it

Thoughts of you

Our school in Bangalore
palm-leafed walls
thatched classrooms
golden evenings
vast open grounds
where youth ran
marathons in rounds

Thoughts of notes shared
careful not to touch your hands
your fragile body looked so divine

I stand on one leg
to avoid putting weight
on the ulcerated one
words elude me
thoughts of you
blank out memories

There was nothing after you or before

A mantis on the mantle
prays for prey
in freezing January
it’s going to be a fatal wait

The lamp flickers
one more blackout

Blackouts are in vogue

In the market I waved to you
you stared through me
turned on your car’s ignition key
perhaps my limbs
had turned transparent

You weren’t so frosty in Bangalore
where you’d promised love
you can’t be faulted
I took you for granted

First love's farewell

Pain can be silent
perhaps not
poetry writhes in pain
stung by a wasp
the dog chases his tail

Love in agony is just not funny

Fingers run through peppery hair
memories do a bizarre dance

Love is a strange sensation

I punch the keyboard
startle the screen
melt frozen thoughts

Words dance around
in search of sense
I shred your letters
they promise no romance.

From my anthology “Rhythms of Love”

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