Showing posts with label Randeep Wadehra Author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randeep Wadehra Author. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The paperback authored, edited and designed by Randeep Wadehra, now available on Amazon

ALSO AVAILABLE IN INDIA for Rs. 235/- on Pothi.
Rendezvous In Cyberia & Other Stories is a fascinating collection of sixteen tales. Gripping Paranormal. Sizzling Satire. Ruined Romance. The characters will linger in your thoughts long after you have finished reading this emotional rollercoaster.
Whether it's a gripping paranormal tale, an introspective social narrative, a sizzling satire or an aching, spellbinding romance, the characters and their lives stay in your memory for a long time.
Happy reading!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mango Man in the Republic of Bananas

Kamuk’s chances of getting re-elected as Sadar-E-Azam of the Republic of Bananas are becoming bleaker by the hour:

The Mango Man Movement to unseat him is gaining strength--

Sethji, his ally and financier, wants him to strike a deal with his revolting political rival Bahubali--

Worse, the ruthless Girgit Gang is determined to finish him off--

Caught between elections and personal survival, Kamuk is at his wit’s end--
Time is running out…

For reading on the paper's website click: Indian Express 

The novel is available at:



Mr. Harikumar Elacode, former Chief General Manager and Managing Director of State Bank of Travancore relaxing in his Thiruvananthapuram home with ‪#MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas. Says, ‘I read the book in a single sitting...a page-turner’


The subdued sensuous scenes interspersed within the pages are more titillating than an explicit elocution of the basic instinct… [Wadehra] has [also] lucidly captured the sordidity that plagues less evolved democracies - a deadly combination of political power, money power and unscrupulousness… the graphic description of greedy politicians and bureaucrats bring out [Wadehra’s] mastery over words and expression. – Mr. CP Ravindranath

Mango Man becomes a hit with the young adults! Vatsala in Lucknow, Chilman in Varanasi and Saurabh in Allahabad engrossed in ‪#MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas

Randeep Wadehra. This one is for you. What I am holding in my hand is a well-written satire. Is it on the bestseller list yet?” Says Ms. Meera of Bangalore, a former senior State Bank of Mysore official. ‪#MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas

Globetrotting Author and Yoga expert Ms. Jyoti Subramanian at home in Chandigarh with #MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas

‪#MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas travels to Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu) with Mr. Natesan Swaminathan, a senior State Bank Official

"A pulsating fast paced novel! Can't put it down..." Mr. Mukundan K. Chennai-based senior Corporate Head.


"Fast Paced" – Mr. Ravi Kumar (Senior banker, Chennai). "Action Packed" – Mr. Umang Mehrotra (Business Analyst, Bengaluru) and "Awesome unexpected climax!" – Mr. Ramesh Vaidyanathan (Senior Banker, Chennai).


"Fast like reportage!" Says the USA-based journalist Mr. Davinder Pal Singh. 

After traversing the length and breadth of India, shaking hands with the readers in the USA, Mango Man reaches Tanzania. Mr. Madhava Murthy a senior official with the Diamond Trust Bank, Tanzania, engrossed in reading the novel. He comments, “ Good way to start reading novels again
Nothing thrills a writer more!

Mango Man reaches Hyderabad. Mr. Easwara Murthy, a senior State Bank official, at home with the novel.

At last, Mango Man reaches the national capital. Mr. Narendran Nair, a corporate Vice President, at home in New Delhi with #MangoManInTheRepublicOfBananas

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Rhythms of Love


LOVE has many shades. It is perhaps the only creed that is not normative — its followers make and observe their own norms. Love is a feeling that numbs all senses. It is an experience that heightens sensibilities. Love is a chemical reaction that involves pheromones. It is a spiritual function. Love is blind. It opens ones eyes to an entirely different world. Love is profane, feral — a thoughtless consummation of carnal desires — an all-consuming passion. Love is sublime — it prompts one to sacrifice ones all without expecting anything in return — it is tranquility personified. Confused? Not surprising, really. It is a phenomenon involving curious contradictions. It has not been demystified despite the best, or is it the worst, efforts of poets, philosophers, scientists and ordinary folks.

One can say something similar about hate, too. This collection, Rhythms of Love, deals with these two powerful antithetical emotions.


My Beautiful World


“My Beautiful World” is a collection of nine beautifully illustrated poems for children. This book aims at igniting wonder and imagination among them. The poems deal with a wide range of topics that will make children aware of nature’s beauty as well as value of trees, among other things. Some of the poems attempt to make children more sensitive to human related issues, even as most of them are fun poems. Children will certainly love to read these while evolve as good, sensitive human beings.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Singing through the nightmare

Available at and

Brilliant and original

Singing through the Nightmare
By Randeep Wadehra.
Ukay Publishing Co.
Pages 127. Rs 195.

Reviewed by Dr Iqbal Judge

IN today’s times, it takes guts and perseverance to publish one’s poems, for poetry seems outmoded nowadays, its place in magazines and newspapers usurped by ‘lifestyle’ trivia, the hoi-polloi’s takes on matters A to Zee, or occasional sops for the soul. Fortunately, Randeep Wadehra is both gutsy and perseverant, as indicated by the title of his collection of poems, Singing through the nightmare. Respected media and book critic, columnist for The Tribune and author of Walls and Other Stories, Wadehra, in this volume, lays bare his soul’s struggles against the vicissitudes of life. Notably, the largest section in the anthology is titled ‘Angst’, and one can sense the nightmare threatening as ‘smiling masks morph/ into ghouls’, or as ‘Anger: a scythe through grass/ blade of insatiable thirsts/ slashes at life’s jungle’ and then dissipates in the dawn of realisation: ‘a body gone limp after/an all consuming orgasm’. ‘Hoods snake through lanes’; there is the chilling reminder that ‘the spilled blood of martyr /is the saffron bloom you admire/ from the Kargil heights’; and ‘skinny cherub flees/her uprooted home/in terror/ with vultures in hot pursuit... . Sarcasm spills over in the portrait of the intellectual, ‘basking in the glory of sapience ... he clings to political apron–strings, / the underpants of a godfather’; there is the strange — or is it ironic? — collocation of the lawyer, ‘cute in black suit’; ‘pigeon shit drops/ on His Honor’s ample nose’; the editor too is slammed as ‘debtor/of Mammon-worshipper` ... promotes himself, damns the rest’.

Most of the poems are descriptive statements that leave one wishing for something more nuanced, though they make for an easy read, despite their depressing titles — ennui, underdog’s agony, apathy, innocence deflowered — primarily because the images and metaphors are as familiar as the emotions.

The section, ‘Rhythms of love’ also uses the stock images of the romantic’s repertoire — roses, raindrops, ‘shimmering waters, golden sunlight and bird songs’— which would find an echoing chord with young lovers: ‘petals play with our skins/ as we reveal our emotions/ slowly gently’, and their characteristic insouciance: ‘I don’t know whether love is real/ or escape from reality/ I’m past caring’.

But then, there is the thought-provoking ‘Rama’s woman, and Mine’, in which the speaker tells Rama, ‘perhaps I pay the price/ for your excesses/ when my woman / looks me in the eye/ and says/ she will go to another man/coz I say ‘yes dad’ /too often’.

Randeep Wadehra is at his evocative best in the sections on nature and relationships. ‘Tropical Delights’ has a spirited, synaesthetic flavour: children pull at ripe mangoes/ golden juice streaks down/naked brown bodies/ scents of summer flowers/ waltz around/ sunrays slant off white teeth ...’ ‘I know’, ‘The Contest’ and ‘Haven’t you ... my seed?’ carry sparks of originality and brilliance as well.

Significantly, practically all the poems in this volume are in the simple present tense, as if the poet wishes to arrest a fleeting moment, emotion or experience and freeze it in a frame, so that we agree when he says ‘déjà vu’.

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The paperback authored, edited and designed by Randeep Wadehra, now available on Amazon ALSO AVAILABLE IN INDIA for Rs. 235/...