Saturday, January 21, 2012

Polls, manifestos and environmental pollution

Punjabi antenna

Randeep Wadehra

Has internet become an important factor in Punjab polls? Going by Zee Khabran it would appear so. On 08 January its bulletin showed how various Punjab Congress bigwigs are reaching out to voters via the internet. But apart from beaming shots of Bhattal, Amarinder etc it did not tell us how internet has made a difference in the current poll campaigns. It could have thrown some light on the number of internet users in Punjab who visited the website/Facebook pages of different politicos. By the way, what is the extent of penetration of connected computers in Punjab’s rural and semi-urban areas?

When a channel takes up an issue that is not really hot – talking from poll politics point of view – you sit up and take notice. And wonder. Wonder whether this is a case of thinking out of the box, boredom with all those hot air balloons floating on Punjab’s political firmament, or genuine concern for an issue that affects us all. On 7 January, Masle took a look at environmental problems facing Punjab. There were three prominent and familiar environmentalists and one prominent and familiar university don facing the anchor. Although they were well versed with the problem and genuinely exercised over its spread and intensity they, understandably, had nothing new to say – the general theme being that the government should have taken steps to identify and alleviate the menace; the contesting political parties should give prominence to environment in their poll campaigns… But, perhaps, the problem lies as much with the attitude of political parties as with the voters at large who seldom take their representatives to task over environmental issues. Meanwhile, the menace grows. Apart from such symptoms like underweight babies, premature ageing etc pollution has taken debilitating and lethal dimensions with cases of cancer, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis etc spreading among youngsters in different parts of the state. The number of places with availability of clean, potable water is shrinking at alarming rate. Not that efforts are not being made to fight the pollution of air, earth and water, but these are clearly not enough. So, it is natural to expect environment to become a hot political issue with polls approaching fast. However, despite the appeals made by eco-warriors like Balbir Singh Seechewal and others environment remains more or less an afterthought or, at best, a footnote in the various political parties’ manifestos. Another panelist on the show, Umendra Dutt has been campaigning for a Green Agenda for sustainable Punjab. He had been repeatedly appealing to the state government to come out with a vision statement on the issue; but, in vain. Nevertheless, it is good to see Masle take up an important issue for discussion.

Incidentally, DD Punjabi runs the longest running show on environment, which has acquired the traits of a campaign of sorts – even if quite a few of its episodes are repeated. On 09 January, 2012, at 10.10 am it telecast a documentary on water pollution and conservation – with specific reference to the situation in Punjab. It was pointed out how the traditional sources of water like ponds and lakes have dried up in the rural areas; how the march of civilization has led to depletion of underground water sources and pollution of surface waters like rivers and canals. The documentary’s message was clear: resurrect the traditional methods of water conservation like chhappars (ponds that retain rain water in villages) and stop the mass-scale pollution of rivers, or else a time will come when this vital life source would vanish, leading to unimaginable tragedy. As an interviewee said on the show: technology can manufacture every type of consumables but there is no way it can manufacture air and water; so, time to heed the writing on the wall, no?

Published in The Tribune on January 21, 2012

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