Saturday, March 14, 2020

Delhi 2020 Type Massacres will continue to happen, unless…

Are we doomed to be at the receiving end of diabolic games our politicians play? Will India ever live up to the promises and assurances held out in our constitution and become a mature democracy? We, the people of India that is Bharat, have been stupid enough to not hold the politicians accountable for their actions. They are elected public servants for god’s sakes, not our overlords. How dare they get away with massacres time and again?

How could the national capital afford a systemic paralysis in the runup to Delhi’s latest carnage? Whoever was behind the Shahin Bagh protests did no service to the country or the Muslim community. And some of the anti CAA slogans were definitely provocative.  But should have been used as justification for hate speeches by Yogi Adityanath, Anurag Thakur and other BJP politicians which violated the law of the land, struck hard at the cultural underpinnings of Indian Civilisation and tore political morality to smithereens. There was enough evidence to file FIRs under sections 153 (a) of Cr Penal Code against the BJP ministers but nobody dared or cared to book them. 

A new dimension was added to the sectarian violence in Delhi. Educational institutions were targeted, school buildings and furniture were systematically destroyed. This sheer stupidity was matched by the stunning lack of urgency among our law enforcing agencies. They woke up long after the damage was done. There were reports of police officers not responding to SOS calls and actually joining the goons in targeting Muslim citizens. Since President Donald Trump was in town, one expected fool-proof security system in operation to prevent untoward incidents. Instead, violence was allowed to happen and actually facilitated even as the US President was attending a banquet.

One telling evidence of the ruling party’s casual approach to the bloodbath was in the person of Amit Shah. The country’s Home Minister chose to fly to Kolkata for addressing the BJP’s party workers even as fires were raging in Delhi. Many among these workers were chanting the Goli Maro slogan! All pretence to fair governance was dropped and the power of Hindutva supremacists was on display at its ugliest worst. PM Narendra Modi’s Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishvas assurance was reduced to just another hollow jumla by his colleagues. While BJP netas openly spewed venom against Muslims, politicians from other parties were nowhere on the scene when riots broke out. These so-called people’s representatives didn’t care to be with the defenceless people who were being ruthlessly battered by bloodthirsty mobs. Every party has its youth and student wing. Why were they not deployed to prevent the violence from spreading? What’s the use of asking for the Home Minister’s resignation from the parliament’s safe confines or indulging in tokenism like waving placards or tying black bands around their mouths in front of Gandhiji’s statue? As for our PM, he takes his own time to make ineffectual statements.

Our bureaucracy has certainly not covered itself with glory. Nobody among the top brass cared to initiate preventive action despite consistent media coverage of the violence. Bureaucrats are supposed to be the main instrument of governance. Yet, their non-action was stunning. In the aftermath of violence, individual citizens, the civil society and Sikh organisations took up the rescue and rehabilitation initiative, while agencies of governance dawdled.

Those who are quick to single out BJP should recall how Indira Gandhi used polarising tactics in Punjab. Sectarian fires were lit for solidifying vote banks, Congress netas thought they could keep these fires under control for promoting their partisan ends. But these fires turned into fearsome conflagration for which the nation is still paying a heavy price in terms of alienation of one of the most vibrant and progressive states of the country.

The heartrending images of this carnage too will fade away from our collective memory, leaving the affected people alone with their sorrows. News media will move on to the next TRP generating story. Studio warriors will find other battles to fight from their cosy niches. But we cannot afford to ignore this latest writing in human blood on Delhi’s walls or disregard the lessons from history and keep repeating horrible follies. The Nellie massacre of 1983 when 1600 Muslims were killed within 6 hours during the Assam elections. Or the Hashimpura murders by the CRPF in 1987. Or the killings of innocent Hindus and Sikhs in Punjab when Bhindranwale’s Khalistani hordes were on the rampage.

Other bloodbaths have been haunting the nation for a long time. The 1984 slaughter as a result of Sikh guards killing Indira Gandhi; the post-Babri bloodbath in Mumbai and the 2002 pogrom in Gujarat. Apart from blood-spattered bodies, destroyed properties and weeping humanity there are other salient features which these chilling episodes share. Diabolic political manipulations, police complicity and free rein to goondas.

BJP’s agenda is fraught with great perils to which the nation must wake up before history decides to teach us the lesson we are refusing to learn. Instead of belittling the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru we must unite to take India back to the path of our tryst with destiny. The Gandhian way and Nehruvian vision are the surest guarantees for building a united, strong and progressive India. We can become a world power without having to resort to Hitlerian ideology. 

More than a billion dreams and aspirations are at stake.

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