Friday, January 22, 2021




It was not such a while ago that Arnab revelled in projecting himself as a good guy stalking the bad guys of politics, cinema and the corporate world. He was the voice of the Indian nation that proclaimed “you can’t escape us” while dealing with Shashi Tharoor and Rhea Chakraborty, throwing challenges at Salman Khan and going after Karan Johar. Apart from targeting several political and Bollywood personalities as Republic TV anchor, he went after some corporate biggies like Peter Mukherjea in the Sheena Bora murder case when he was with Times Now, yes same Times Now which he has been badmouthing of late – especially his former colleagues like Navika Kumar. And let us not forget his finger-wagging exhortation to the then CBI chief to put his act together.

Now the tables have been turned, thanks to the “Chat-Gate”. Media headlines stalk Goswami with Arnabian gusto. He is being tarred in the darkest possible shades. The Republic’s knight in saffron armour is now a fallen icon. While his TRP related scandal simmers, his WhatsApp chats hit the ceiling. To recall, the TRP scam involved rigging of viewership numbers where huge sums of money changed hands. In October 2020, a complaint filed the Hansa Research Group, alleged that Republic TV and two others were paying vast sums of money to people to watch their channels. Thirteen people, including Dasgupta, Romil Ramgarhia and Vikas Khanchandani, were arrested.

So, what is there in the chats between Arnab Goswami and Partho Dasgupta that has become the basis for Mumbai Police’s supplementary chargesheet? There are discussions on the imminent Balakot strike to avenge Pulwama. Although, it is an old practice for state and central governments to take editors of mainstream media outlets on important national issues and sometimes policies, this is the first time that one single editor has been provided with a strategic information that could have compromised India’s security and several lives as well as vital strategic assets. Of course, there are other things like what Goswami thinks or cites a BJP heavyweight while mentioning various politicians like Javadekar and TV anchors like Navika Kumar etc. But that can be classified as inane bitching. However, his reference to the late Jaitley shows what sort of character this man really is. One really wonders why he was impatient with Jaitley “stretching it”? and Dasgupta asking whether Jaitley was not dead yet! Was it plain insensitivity or something more? I wonder how his patrons in the ruling establishment are viewing this aspect of the chats. Of course, the great Goswami counterattacks Congress with threats of libel charges. It would be interesting if he really goes ahead with the threat or it is just another of his blank shells.

Of course, while Dasgupta is behind bars now, Goswami remains free. Such are the ironies of our governance. And, let us not forget that 55 journalists were booked during the Covid lockdown alone for reporting on the pandemic – an absolutely innocent professional activity. If reporting on Covid is a crime what should the revealing of Balakot strike three days before it happened should be treated as? Treason, surely.

For the opposition political parties, especially the Congress, this should have been a godsent opportunity to get back at BJP and its supporters in the mainstream media. Goswami should have been running for cover. It is puzzling that  although the Congress party has belatedly started dealing with the issue the rest of the opposition has been muted in its reactions. Of course, there were reactions from the likes of Kapil Sibal, Shashi Tharoor, P. Chidambaram and Prithviraj Chavan. They have used terms like “national security”, “deeply disturbing” and “official secrets act” to criticise, but they are not currently considered close to the High Command. Randeep Surjewala belatedly went hyper on the issue but is considered a political lightweight anyway. More belatedly, Rahul Gandhi has made a statement asking for booking those who leaked the info. Tepid stuff. However, there has been a lack of concerted and sustained attempt at cornering the BJP on the vital issue of leaking strategic information to a TV journalist. So, effectively, Goswami and his mentors have got away with what should have been an explosive revelation against the government.

On his Republic TV channel, Goswami has been quite provocative while responding to the WhatsApp chat-based police chargesheet. He is unashamedly indignant about the way he is being targeted, forgetting how he had gleefully gone after Deepika Padukone, Rhea Chakraborty and others while quoting from their WhatsApp chats. He has slotted the police and the opposition parties as co-conspirators coordinating with the mythical tukde-tukde gang, the ISI and of, course, Imran Khan led Pakistan Government. His unashamed rant too has not elicited any substantive reaction from other news channels or the targeted Congress – which he relentlessly vilifies by using terms like “Sonia Sena” and “Vadra Congress” etc.

Understandably, most of the TV news channels have preferred to ignore the explosive WhatsApp chat revelations. Is this because their respective “star” TV newspersons themselves have been snuggling up to the powers? Perhaps, they do not want to get ensnared in a lafda with the current establishment by attacking its blue-eyed boy. Perhaps they too have skeletons hidden in their closets? Let me just mention one in passing. The Free to Air Dish scandal. According to Newslaundry and a couple of other independent news platforms, up to 40 private news channels, including 8 of Arnab’s Republic TV have been ripping off the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to the tune of crores every month by unauthorizedly using the Free to Air Dish facility.

In 2014, there were big rosy promises of cleaner governance, transparency and a corruption-free nation. Things have moved in exactly the opposite direction. Now, in 2021, a news channel editor can assure his crony a cushy job in the PMO, a one-to-one talk with the then Information and Broadcasting Minister and just about anything that even a powerful bureaucrat wouldn’t think of doing. Arnab can say nasty things about judges and ministers, access classified information (which he shares with another unauthorised person) and yet roam free. Worse, he brazenly uses this info to boost his channel’s TRPs while doing everything in his power to boost the ruling party’s chances in the coming elections. More brazenly, he uses his position as news to vilify just about anybody he chooses to, with absolutely no repercussions. Compare this with what is happening to a journalist named Siddique Kappan and comedians like Munawar Farruqui. These two are not even getting bails although the police have yet to furnish any credible proofs against them.

The Chat-Gate has given a handle to Pakistan PM against India. He claims vindication of his and his military’s repeated allegations that the Pulwama tragedy was stage managed for electoral purposes. And the Balakot strike was more to divert the Indian public’s attention from worsening domestic conditions than avenging Pulwama. This, of course, appears highly improbable. Goswami’s highly irresponsible chats with Dasgupta need to be probed. This man has crossed all redlines for journalistic ethics. His megalomania is a threat not just to the BJP but also to the nation.

An Indian Express report of January 19 on the Sushant Singh Rajput case quotes the Bombay High Court as saying that the reportage of Republic Television and Times Now in the Sushant Singh Rajput case was “prima facie contemptuous”, with both channels running a “vicious campaign” playing the roles of “the investigator, the prosecutor as well as the judge”. Well, actually, Goswami already fancies himself as the sole voice of India and an arbiter of sorts of the Republic of India’s destiny.

Media is supposed to be the fourth pillar of democracy. It is professionally and morally bound to keep a close watch on the actions of people in power, blow whistle on wrongdoings by them and act as the nation’s conscience keeper. At the same time, our rulers must realise that their tenancy in corridors of power is a result of the trust that we, the people of India have reposed in them. Common people’s liberty, dignity and quality of living depend upon the quality of governance – which the government is dutybound to ensure and the media is expected to scrutinise every government decision and action diligently. Unfortunately, for a very long time now, the reverse is happening. Our news outlets have become subservient pamphleteers and mouthpieces of the ruling establishment.

Arnab represents everything that has gone wrong with our media and the polity. Arnab Goswami will go down as one-man mafiosi who has destroyed the credibility of our news outlets. This damage will take decades to repair.

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